Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Danielle Marcus Photos 11-20

Mycelium: Vegetative part of the fungus (the body of the fungus).
Pollen: A fine powdery yellowish spore. The pollen is in the flower.
Territorial Behavior: The act of protecting ones staked out territory. A spider will attack any little bugs that get caught in its web.
Modified Stem of a Plant: A specialized or transformed stem of a tree or plant.
Animal that has a Segmented Body: Caterpillar with a segmented body. The segments are defined by the bands.
Eukaryote: An organism that has a membrane bound nucleus in the cell and has organelles and genetic material. These divide by mitosis or meiosis. Hamsters, along with all animals and humans, are eukaryotes.
Seed Dispersal: The mechanical act of spreading the seeds of a plant by animal, wind, or water.
Redox Reaction: A reaction where the number of electrons are reduced to form an oxide and metal is oxidized. Rust is the product of the oxidation.
Exoskeleton: The rigid external covering of crustaceans. Their skeletons are external and all their muscle and organs are held inside by the skeleton. The crab is a good example of an exoskeleton.
Heterotroph: Organisms that require organic compounds as its main source of food. Hamsters can't make their own food, they have to rely on what they find or what's given to them.

1 comment:

  1. "Seed Dispersal: The mechanical act of spreading the seeds of a plant by animal, wind, or water"

    The picture and description together are a little unclear. How exactly are the seeds getting dispersed here?
