adaptation of a plant- plants in different environment have to adapt to their environment to survive. evergreen trees have small leaves with waxy coating to help hold in water.
animal with segmented body- segmentation is when parts of the organism are seperated. this fly is considered segmented because it has three seperate parts, the thorax,the abdomen and the head. 
anther & filament of stamen- the stamen is the male reproductive organ of a flower. each stamen has a stalk called the filament. at the top of the filament is the anther and pollen sacs. in the center of the organism is the stamen where the reproductive process of pollination takes place. 
asexual reproduction- in asexual reproduction on individual produces offspring that are genettically identical to itself. the dandelion uses the seed dispersal process to reproduce.
ATP- ATP is a large smount of chemical energy stored in high energy phosphate bonds. ATP produces through cell respiration and is considered universal energy for metabolism. the energy used for muscle contraction comes from ATP.
autotroph- any organism capable of self nourishment by using inorganic materials as a source of nutrients. plants use photosynthesis to get their nutrients.
cambium- cambium in plants is a layer of actively dividing cells between xylem and phloem. it is responsible for adding growth to the diameter of the tree.
connective tissue- tissue that connects, supports, binds, or seperates other tissue or organs. the knee is made up of a series of connective ligaments and tendons.
detritovore- an organism that feeds on organic waste. by consuming dead matter they speed up decomposition by increasing surface area availible to detrovoric bacteria.
"adaptation of an animal- an adaptation is a form or structure modified to fit a change in environment, often resulting from natural selection. whiskers in cats allow them to navigate tight spaces to get away from predators." What other adaptions have cat undergone over the years? Is that the only purpose for whiskers?
ReplyDelete"Detritovore-an organism that feeds on organic waste. by consuming dead matter they speed up decomposition by increasing surface area availible to detrovoric bacteria."
ReplyDeleteCan you explain what detrovoric bacteria are?