Thursday, August 30, 2012

Joseph Comstock, Photos 21-30

 Autotroph: An autotroph is an organism that is able to create energy for itself ie. photosynthesis. This tree uses photosynthesis to produce its energy, so it is an autotroph. 
 Heterotroph: A heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce energy on its own, therefore it must take it from other sources. (Eating plants or animals) Me, being a human, have to eat to live because I cannot make my own energy. This makes humans heterotrophs.
 Territorial Behavior: Territorial behavior is when an organism picks out an area that is to them "their own". This picture is of a deer rub. Contrary to popular belief, deer do NOT sharpen their antlers by rubbing them on a tree. A deer has two uses for rubbing on a tree. One is to shed the velvet that grows on their antlers while the antlers are still develpoing. The other is to mark the buck's territory. Along with visually marking the tree they spray scent glands that tell other bucks to stay out.
 Spore: Spores are single celled reproductive bodies. They have the ability to grow into whatever organism it was that released them. The spores can withstand extreme tempters, and endure years before they find a suitable place to grow. These spores were produced by a fern native to the northwest. However other things such as bacteria, fungi algae, and other nonflowering plants can produce spores.
 Radial Symmetry: Radial Symmetry is when something is symmetrical no matter how many ways it is divided across. Just as this flower is.
 Introduced Species: An introduced species is a species that is not native to an area, but is introduced there. This english ivy is not native to the northwest US. The plant was introduced to the US by European immigrants brought it because it has an ornamental appeal. It has now become an "invasive species" in 18 states and the District of Columbia.
 Bird Mating Behavior: Bird mating behavior includes finding a mate, building a nest, and laying the eggs. This is a picture of a bird's nest, where the eggs are laid, and hatched. 
 Succession: Succession is basically the steps an environment takes to go from the ground up. Its basically the continuous replacement of one, or a few dominant species, until one is reached where it is no longer replaces. This shrub is not at the top of the line, but it is not at the bottom either. 
 Adaption of a Plant: Adaption of a plant is where a plant changes over time to have a better chance at survival. Moss has adapted to be small, and fast growing. This means even is some is destroyed it is not a big deal for the species as a whole.
Predation: Predation is where one animal eats another animal. This hole may not look like mush, but the creature that dug this was a mole. Moles go underground for shelter, and to find a source of food, earthworms. 

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