Friday, August 31, 2012

Kristen East Photos 1-20

 Endotherm- My dog is an endotherm because she is warm-blooded and regulates her own body temperature. Dogs use insulating fat and fur to maintain a constant, consistent body temperature.
 Ectotherm- My sister's fish Eugene is an ectotherm because Beta Fish are cold-blooded. They do not regulate their own body temperatures and instead rely on the water that surrounds them to stay at an agreeable temperature and protect them.
Epithelial Tissue- Skin is an epithelial tissue because skin cells form a protective, breathable membrane around muscles and inner tissues.

Polysacchorides: Potatoes contain starch, which is an example of a type of carbohydrate that has thousands of glucose compounds.

Meristem: this flower has many different supporting structures of stems and leaves that allow for new growth.

 Frond- Fern leaves are an example of fronds, where the leaves branch off of a central stem. Another example is palms.
This leaf has a cuticle layer on the outside of the leaf, a very thin almost waxy-like "skin" on the leaf added for protection. 

Flower Ovary: Below the petals in the cup-like structure of this flower is the flower ovary, where fertilization of the plant takes place and reproduction occurs.

These potato bugs have Exoskeletons, bone-like supporting structures outside of their body. 

Gymnosperm Leaf- Gymnosperms are conifers, or pine trees, whose seeds are unprotected by an ovary or fruit. The needles are gymnosperm leaves. 
Gymnosperm cone- instead of ovaries or fruit, gymnosperms store their seeds in cones.

Lichen- similar to fungi or algae, lichen is a simple, slow-growing plant that is usually flat and flaky that grows in damp places. 

Fermentation- Beer is created when wheat ferments, or decomposes and breaks down. 

Parasitism- Ivy is a parasite because it takes nourishment from the tree to benefit itself,  while hurting and suffocating the tree. 

Radial Symmetry- a plant or object that looks the same any way you spin it, just like this clump of hydrangea flowers.  

Xylem- the viscous, water-like substance that contains nutrients for the plant, in other words, sap. 

Complex Carbohydrates- Cereal is a type of complex carbohydrate formed of a combination of sugar compounds.

 Simple Carbohydrate- Another type of carbohydrate formed of a single sugar compound, in this case, forming table sugar.
Monosaccharides- A type of carbohydrate that is composed of a cyclic structure of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. The fructose in this nectarine is a type of monosaccharides.

Disaccharides- One last type of carbohydrate. Lactose, found in milk, is an example of a disaccharide, two monosaccharides bonded together. 

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