Thursday, August 30, 2012

Joseph Comstock, Photos 11-20

 Frond: A frond is a branched off plant such a ferns. This Cystoperis Protrusa is an example of a plant with a frond. 
 Anther and Filament of Stamen: This flower shows the anther, and filament of it's stamen. A stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower. The filament is the stalk that holds up the anther. The anther is what releases the pollen.
Gymnosperm Leaf: A Gymnosperm leaf is either Awl like, scale like, or needle like. This Douglas Fur is needle like. Gymnosperm means that its seeds are not enclosed by an ovary, like say a peach vs. a pine cone.
 Seed Dispersal: This bird dropping is an example of seed dispersal. The bird had eaten Himalayan Blackberrys, flown away, and deposited the seeds somewhere else. 
Cuticle Layer of a Plant: The cuticle layer of a plant is a non-cellular, waxy layer that protects the first cellular layer. This leaf has been torn to better show that waxy layer. 
 Parasitism: Parasitism is where one organism interacts with another, yet only one of them benefits, and the other even can be hurt by that. My cat unfortunately has fleas. These fleas are paracites. They get her blood, and she gets irritated skin.
 Unicellular Organism: A unicellular organism is a living organism that survives using just one cell. This rotting peach is filled with bacterium (unicellular organisms) that are slowly breaking it down.
Modified Leaf of a Plant: A modified stem of  a plant is where a stem has been changed over time for  
the good of the plant. These maple leafs have been modified over time to a large size in order to obtain more sunlight with a larger surface area.
Modified Stem Of a Plant: A modified stem of  a plant is where a stem has been changed over time for the benefit of the plant. This green-bean stem has been modified with the ability to wrap itself around objects in the object of getting to a higher vantage point to obtain more sunlight.
Mutualism: Mutualism is where two completely different species interact, and they each benefit from the interaction. The lichen growing on this branch is an example of mutualism. The lichen gets a place to live, and the branch gets extra water collected by the lichen. 


  1. "Gymnosperm Leaf: A Gymnosperm leaf is either Awl like, scale like, or needle like. This Douglas Fur is needle like. Gymnosperm means that its seeds are not enclosed by an ovary, like say a peach vs. a pine cone." Why do you think gymnosperms have needles as leaves rather than other plants where as they are wide and flat?

  2. mutualsim, how is the branch collecting extra water from the lichen?
