Thursday, August 30, 2012

Danielle Marcus Photos 31-40

Ectotherm: A cold blooded animal. The animal has to rely on the surrounding temperature to warm itself. A fly is an example of an ectotherm.
Epithelial Tissue: Lines the surfaces of the cavities and structures throughout the body. It is a protective layer of tissue. Skin is a protective tissue layer.
Connective Tissue: The fibrous tissue that helps form the framework of the skeleton. In the knee, the connective tissue is the ligaments and tendons.
Fermentation: The process where sugar is converted to cellular energy and the byproduct is lactic acid. The process for food is where sugar is converted into carbon dioxide and alcohol. This process produces wine.
Tropism: The growth in a plant in response to an environmental stimulus. A plant will grow towards sunlight, which is the stimulus in this situation.
Gymnosperm Leaf: The leaf of a conifer. This is an example of a gymnosperm leaf.
Meristem: The tissue in the plant where the growth takes place in the stem. The node area is where the meristem is located.
Radial Symmetry: Symmetry is the balanced distribution of body parts and shapes so that if you were to fold a butterfly in half then the two halves that remain would be mirror images.
Parenchyma Cells: These are the cells that fill in the rest of the space around the cambium and the phloem. It is the non-woody structure that has tubes for nutrition to run up and down the stem. They are all around the interior woody area shown.
Endotherm: An organism that produces heat internally and can regulate that heat so they are not affected by the temperature in the environment. Humans are endotherms because we sweat when we are too warm and shiver when we are cold to regulate our temperature.

1 comment:

  1. Are perenchyma cells the tubes that sap run through? What is the cambium?- Kristen East
