Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Danielle Marcus Photos 1-10

Anther and Filament of a Stamen: The stamen is where the pollen is located in the flower and consists of the filament and the anther. The filament is the long white tube-like structure and the anther is the little black pod at the end of the filament.

Pollinator: The bee is an example of a pollinator because it transports pollen from one flower to another.

Flower Ovary: The ovary is what remains after the bloom has fallen off and the fruit is starting to form.
Lichen: A fungus that forms a symbiotic union (dependent upon something else to live). It grows in leaf like, crust like, or branching forms on trees, rocks, fences.
Frond: A large divided leaf with distinct stem and folliage.
Predation: When an animal feeds off of another animal.
Introduced Species: An animal or a plant that is not native to the area that it is currently living. This is a Boston Fern which is native to tropical regions throughout the world.

Xylem: The area of the plant where water and nutrients are transported upward from the roots through the stem and to the leaves. The xylem is the light inner circle.
Prokaryote: An organism that has no nuclear membrane and no organelles in the cytoplasm.
Cambium: The layer inside the bark that supports the tree and where stem growth occurs. The cambium is the dark ring between the bark and xylem.


  1. From Brooke:

    "Predation: When an animal feeds off of another animal."
    the photo is a little unclear, what is going on in the picture? how is predation being shown?

  2. "Prokaryote: An organism that has no nuclear membrane and no organelles in the cytoplasm"

    Can you explain how this seaweed is a prokaryote? all you did was give the definition, and no explanation
